Controversial University Research Already Proved... 
The Wrong Workouts Make You Store MORE Fat..

Did you know that every year 36 million people take up jogging because they think it’ll help them lose weight and look better?
Yet get this:
In 2006, researchers from Berkeley and Stanford Universities revealed the results of their study on habitual runners. To the shock of the entire fitness industry, ALL the runners — including those who ran as much as 8 miles per DAY — got fatter with every passing year!
Think about it: have you ever noticed that all those folks who spend hours every week on treadmills, stationary bikes and cardio classes never seem to change their bodies?
Listen, there’s this myth about how doing long workouts gets you results. Here’s why that’s just not true…
Long and punishing workouts are proven to jack up a stress hormone in your body called cortisol. In normal doses, cortisol is great… it actually helps you burn fat
But in high doses from long and stressful exercise, it actually forces your body into “protection mode” and makes you store more fat around your midsection.
And it turns into the frustrating stubborn fat that’s almost impossible to lose as long as your cortisol stays high.
Worse… it’s the type of fat that increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
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