Become More Acquainted With What Is A1C

By Matthew Reynolds

For the purpose of diabetes management one of the most crucial tests is A1C. If you have no idea what is A1C then you should know that it is a test that is conducted to get information regarding average blood glucose levels. The tests are taken over the period of three months to analyze whether a person has diabetes or not.

It is also referred to as hemoglobin A1C and that is because it measures the amount of glucose attached to the blood stream. If your hemoglobin shows that the level of glucose is high then its most likely that you are suffering from some type of diabetes.

Any individual who has a family history of diabetes should get this test done after every couple of years to keep an eye on blood glucose levels. If the doctors suspect you are on the borderline, then they will ask you to make some changes to your current lifestyle so that the risk of this disease can be minimized to a certain extent. Also, if the diseases is spotted at an early stage it becomes easier for the health care professionals to help you treat it in a better way and prevent any sort of complications from occurring.

It is possible to prevent diabetes or delay its occurrence with the help of some positive changes in your lifestyle. You don't need to make any drastic changes all at once, just try to eat healthy and stay away from sugary foods. Its all about bringing those small little changes that would impact your overall health in the long run.

Although A1C is a very widely used test but still there are circumstances where the test results can be false. There are a number of factors that could lead to such an issue and one of them is iron deficiency. Therefore, besides doing this test sometimes its advised that you should get other tests done as well to ensure that the glucose levels are measured correctly.

After all the test results are known the doctor will come up with his assessment and will let you know if you require any further tests or not. He has to make sure that the results gathered are accurate because based on those results your treatment plan is formulated.

If the illness is diagnosed, the next step is to learn how to manage your blood sugar levels. Your doctor will come up with an appropriate treatment plan and you will have to follow the plan accordingly. Otherwise you will end up causing more problems for yourself.

Besides taking the medications, you still need to make some important changes to your lifestyle so that you no longer get affected by your illness. There are people who would take the medication but they think bring about lifestyle changes are not very important and these are the people who suffer a bit later in their lives because they did not actually took care of their health and well being.

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