Impressive Laser Skin Solutions For Acne And The Scars It Leaves Behind

By Stephanie Schmidt

Teens are not the only ones bugged by acne, but also a lot of adults. Dermatologists say that 20 percent of individuals aged 22 to 44 years old are complaining about this aesthetic matter, too. If you're one of the many victims of acne as well as the pesky scars it normally causes, consider having laser skin solutions that the local dermatological clinic is offering.

There is a specific type of laser employed for acne management, and it's referred to as intense pulsed light (IPL). Actually, it is the very same technology utilized for the permanent removal of unnecessary body and facial hair. However, IPL is also commonly used for treating so many aesthetic concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, liver spots and spider veins. According to dermatologists, just about any type of facial treatment that involves IPL use is called photo facial.

IPL use is very good for the management of acne for a variety of reasons. For instance, it is actually highly capable of zapping microbes that are associated with acne. According to dermatologists, acne is in fact a problem that's bacterial in nature. It's therefore important for microbes behind the cosmetic problem to be eliminated in order for impressive results to be obtained.

Once those acne-causing bacteria are out of the picture, inflammation taking place is eliminated. This is why dermatologists revere IPL for its ability to deal with lesions. Hair follicles that are inflamed due to excess oil and dead cell accumulation are referred to as lesions in the world of dermatology. Thanks to IPL treatments, current lesions can be managed and future ones can be stopped in their tracks.

Bacteria is not the only reason why you are suffering from acne, but also too much oil. Having lots of facial oil can leave your hair follicles clogged, and this is why it's also regarded by dermatologists as a contributing factor. In order to put your acne under control effectively, it's important to fend off excessive oil production.

What's so nice about IPL, according to dermatologists, is it's highly capable of causing the sebaceous glands to shrink. Sebaceous glands are tiny structures that produce sebum which everybody else refers to as skin oil. By having the size of the sebaceous glands reduced by means of IPL, oil production can be minimized significantly. This helps lower risk of the hair follicles becoming clogged and eventually infected by acne-causing bacteria.

Photo facials are also commonly done for the purpose of resurfacing. In other words, resurfacing is improving the appearance of the skin. It's for this reason exactly why IPL treatments are also highly recommended after having acne put under control. With regular sessions, the appearance of scars left behind by acne is improved considerably.

Scars resulting from acne tend to be the most stubborn of the bunch. In fact, acne-removing creams and lotions on the market these days are ineffective against them. It's a good thing that you can always count on IPL. The said approach is very good for making acne scars go away by zapping excess pigments and also promoting the synthesis of both collagen and elastin.

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