Exploring Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Randolph County

By Jerry Jones

While somewhat controversial, there are a number of new technologies and treatments associated with brain activity. One of the most prominent is that of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Randolph County. In some cases, the treatment is also known as the acronym TMS or, rTMS when providing multiple treatments during a session.

In this type of treatment, an electrical generator or stimulator along with a magnetic coil is attached to an individual's scalp. After which, the equipment provides an electrical surge to the coil which then creates a magnetic field. The magnetic field then results in a secondary charge to the brain. To date, the process has shown potential with regards to diagnostic and treatment of damage to the brain and central nervous system.

The most noted adverse effects of TMS are rare though do include seizures and fainting. Some interference with other devices such as defibrillators and pacemakers has also been noted. In addition, most tests have shown subjects to experience discomfort such as hearing loss, cognitive changes, hypomania and pain.

The measurement of the connection between the central nervous system and primary motor cortex of the brain remains the most widely accepted and used aspect of the treatment. For, health care providers, researchers and scientists have all been able to study damage and determine whether the insult was caused by past, present or progressive insult whether due to a mental illness, physical illness or injury.

Generally regarded as a safe treatment, as with any new technology being used in the medical field, there are risks. In most cases, risks are higher with regards to rTMS than TMS. However, whether experiencing a single shock during a treatment or multiple shocks, risks still exist. In fact, these elevated risks are just one reason health care providers, researchers and scientists all still find the practice controversial.

In some cases, butterfly coils can be used which use an electrical current running across the scalp and skull. In this practice, a coil enclosed in plastic is placed tightly against to the skull during activation. At which time, the magnetic field induces a charge to the brain which then carries the signal to the nervous system.

In butterfly coil oriented TMS, the magnetic field is about the same as that of an MRI, with a pulse which only involves about 5 centimeters of depth the brain. As such, butterfly coils are often used for minor damage to the nervous system while modified coils are often used in more severe cases. In either case, electrical charges are used to charge different positions of the brain which then sends the electrical charge to the central nervous system which has the ability to regulate different sensations in nerve cells.

Ultimately, the technology and treatment are based off basic electrical principles. For, by running a wire which generates a magnetic pulse to a coil then to the brain, electrical surges work to basically wake up that area of the cortex. After which, the pulses then relay a message to different nerve cells which can then be stimulated. While this is the case, there is still a great deal more research necessary before the technology or treatment can be proved safe and effective for ongoing use in humans.

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